Adventure & Role-Playing Games [COTW] Castle of the Winds 1.1 (Epic MegaGames ASP; $27) is a graphic fantasy role-playing game for Windows. Set in the world of Norse mythology, you must avenge the brutal murder of your godparents. Many monsters will oppose your quest, and many magic objects are available to aid you. You can move and fight using the mouse or keyboard, and there are four difficulty levels Extensive on-line help is available to get you started. [D2D1, D2D2] Dare to Dream 1: A Darkened Room (Epic MegaGames ASP; $34) is an incredible graphic adventure game for Windows. Poor 10-year old Tyler has been having some really bad dreams lately, and tonight he has been transported into a shadowy nightmare world where he must confront both his happiest memories and a sinister dark force. You will explore many beautifully illustrated areas, solve some puzzles, pick up and use various objects, chat with some unusual beings, and much more in this commercial-quality game. Other features include an excellent Sound Blaster-compatible sound track, an "easy" mode for first-time players, and the ability to save and recall games. If you are a fan of the Leisure Suit Larry/King's Quest type games, this game is sure to please. Requires VGA, a 286+, 1 MB of RAM, DOS 3.0+, and 2.5+ MB of hard disk space. [NCC1701] NCC-1701 1.1 (Analytic Associates; $20) is Win31 version of the classic space "trek" type of game. Your mission is to clear the spaceways of the deadly enemies in the alloted time. There are several Starbases scattered throughout the galaxy to assist you in repairs. [OILBRN] Oil Baron 1.2 (Funk, Al; $10) is a game of corporate takeover. The objective is to amass the largest possible amount of wealth by creating companies and trading their stock. You and your opponents take turns placing game pieces on the board, and if you place a piece next to an existing one you can create a major corporation. You can customize the size of the board, how much money each player starts off with, and more. Requires WIN31. [QUENZAR] Quenzar's Caverns (Pulse Ventures Ltd; $5) is a dungeon game which combines action and logic. Requires VBRUN200.DLL [WINADV] WinAdv ($0; Strobl, Wolfgang) is the classic text adventure Colossal Cave redone for Windows 3. It retains the feel of the original game while adding some distinct Windows advantages. A scrolling text window provides descriptions of your surroundings, and an input window allows you to click on directional buttons or type in other commands. Games can easily be saved/recalled, and on-line help is provided. As a bonus, this program will also run in DOS, instead of giving the customary "This program requires Windows" message. This is an excellent and refreshing adaptation of the Grandfather of all adventure games. [WINTREK] WinTrek 1.4 (Jaworski, Joe; $20) is an excellent Trek-type game for Windows 3.1. It combines colorful animated graphics with authentic digitized sound clips. Your mission (as usual) is to clear your sector of hostile alien craft without being disintegrated in the process. Requires 950K of hard disk space, VGA, and a mouse.